Netflix v. USPS
Apparently the lady that delivers our mail REALLY hates Netflix, because she took the time to set up a radial saw next to our mailbox and then proceeded to saw our Netflix IN HALF.
At least I'm guessing that's how it went down.
8 Remarks:
Seriously? What?
Yeah, that's how I found it in our mailbox.. I don't know what happened to the other half. Maybe she kept it as a souvenir. She probably has a whole box full of the sawed off remains of Netflix envelopes. But seriously, how does something like this happen?
That's NUTS!!
Maybe Big Brother just doesn't want you watching Lost.
OMG! That is hilarious, but lame at the same time.
Wow....maybe some anger management classes are in order!
She doesnt agree with your viewing tastes quite obviously.
Does she do this just with dvds or bills too?!
Kate - She doesn't seem to really care WHAT she's delivering, as we have found all kinds of mail mangled and torn before. Although, nothing quite to this extent!
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As you were.