Hey Adventurers! Aren't you glad it's Friday? I am. I love Fridays, even more than Saturdays. There's something about the anticipation of the weekend that I can't resist.
Here are a few recent photos I've posted to Out of the Ordinary. Have you checked it out yet? It's a lot of fun, although a little challenging for me to shoot everyday. Interested in participating? Email Britta!Hope you all have an amazing weekend! Do you have any fun plans? We might hit up the local Gallery Stroll tonight. Nothing like local art on a Friday night! Woot!
3 Remarks:
is that other blog also yours?
these images are great, i especially like the water glasses ones (and all of the others from the series on the other blog).
Out of the Ordinary is a daily photo blog that some friends from college and I do. It's a lot of fun! My photos are tagged with "Capree". It's open for anyone to participate, just email Britta at brittaanne @ if you want to contribute! :D
great shots, hope you had fun at the art walk
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As you were.